Open NucleusCoop again, auto search for the game or manually select the launcher's exe using the search game button, select it, run it with the number of players you want. Open Nucleus Co-op, search and download this game's handler in the Download Game Handlers option.

Next download Nucleus Co-op and extract it. Open the instance on Online Mode, set the game to windowed mode, close the game and next, copy the instance for as many players you'll play and close MultiMC.

Then Setup an instance, click edit instance, then click install Forge on the right, then OK, then Click install mods and add and select the Controllable Jar. Your launcher should be named "MultiMC.exe" for Nucleus COOP to detect it. If you are going to use Controllers, you need to have the Controllable mod, if you are playing with only M&K, this step isn't necessary. I highly suggest you use the latest Minecraft version, though it should work well with 1.14 and later versions, this only works for the Java version of Minecraft, not Windows 10 Edition/Bedrock. Everyone is expected to conduct themselves with respect to others and with these three core principles in mind: Code of ConductĪ strict ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY is in place for harassment of any kind, including but not limited to: intimidation, offensive verbal comments, and singling anyone out for anything pertaining to the following: race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, gender presentation, sexual orientation, age, body size, disability, appearance, religion, citizenship, pregnancy. u/FurtiveRaccoon and /u/ASilentMeadow run meetups for local multiplayer games, feel free to ask them questions. r/smashbros Smash Community Facebook GroupsĬheck Facebook and Meetup for games meetups in your area! If there do not appear to be any local multiplayer ones, you can always start one yourself (though it does take some considerable effort). "I am the developer of _ and." or "I did a Let's Play of _"). However, you must identify your interest in the content (i.e. Self-promotion is allowed as their own posts. Here you will find discussion of new and upcoming local multiplayer games, strategy, tournaments, Let's Plays and Let's Players looking for such games. This is a subreddit dedicated to local multiplayer games, which are games that are played on one system among multiple players, either single or split screen.